asterix 004 "Safety Net Messages" edition 1.13 date 2024-06-04 preamble Surveillance data exchange. items 000 "Message Type" definition This Data Item allows for a more convenient handling of the messages at the receiver side by further defining the type of transaction. element 8 table 1: Alive Message (AM) 2: Route Adherence Monitor Longitudinal Deviation (RAMLD) 3: Route Adherence Monitor Heading Deviation (RAMHD) 4: Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW) 5: Area Proximity Warning (APW) 6: Clearance Level Adherence Monitor (CLAM) 7: Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) 8: Approach Path Monitor (APM) 9: RIMCAS Arrival / Landing Monitor (ALM) 10: RIMCAS Arrival / Departure Wrong Runway Alert (WRA) 11: RIMCAS Arrival / Departure Opposite Traffic Alert (OTA) 12: RIMCAS Departure Monitor (RDM) 13: RIMCAS Runway / Taxiway Crossing Monitor (RCM) 14: RIMCAS Taxiway Separation Monitor (TSM) 15: RIMCAS Unauthorized Taxiway Movement Monitor(UTMM) 16: RIMCAS Stop Bar Overrun Alert (SBOA) 17: End Of Conflict (EOC) 18: ACAS Resolution Advisory (ACASRA) 19: Near Term Conflict Alert (NTCA) 20: Downlinked Barometric Pressure Setting Monitor (DBPSM) 21: Speed Adherence Monitor (SAM) 22: Outside Controlled Airspace Tool (OCAT) 23: Vertical Conflict Detection (VCD) 24: Vertical Rate Adherence Monitor (VRAM) 25: Cleared Heading Adherence Monitor (CHAM) 26: Downlinked Selected Altitude Monitor (DSAM) 27: Holding Adherence Monitor (HAM) 28: Vertical Path Monitor (VPM) 29: RIMCAS Taxiway Traffic Alert (TTA) 30: RIMCAS Arrival/Departure Close Runway Alert (CRA) 31: RIMCAS Arrival/Departure Aircraft Separation Monitor (ASM) 32: RIMCAS ILS Area Violation Monitor (IAVM) 33: Final Target Distance Indicator (FTD) 34: Initial Target Distance Indicator (ITD) 35: Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert (IIA) 36: Sequence Warning (SQW) 37: Catch Up Warning (CUW) 38: Conflicting ATC Clearances (CATC) 39: No ATC Clearance (NOCLR) 40: Aircraft Not Moving despite ATC Clearance (NOMOV) 41: Aircraft leaving/entering the aerodrome area without proper handover (NOH) 42: Wrong Runway or Taxiway Type (WRTY) 43: Stand Occupied (STOCC) 44: Ongoing Alert (ONGOING) 45: Non-Transgression Zone Violation (NTZ) 97: Lost Track Warning (LTW) 98: Holding Volume Infringement (HVI) 99: Airspace Infringement Warning (AIW) remark Notes: 1. In applications where transactions of various types are exchanged, the Message Type Data Item facilitates the proper message handling at the receiver side. 2. All Message Type values are reserved for common standard use. 3. Message Types 33 to 37 have been designed for applications supporting the ATCO in the optimisation of separation during final approach. They provide information required to indicate to the ATCO the closest possible distance of a following aircraft in relation to a leading aircraft. This allows to make optimum use of the available runway capacity. 4. The list of items present for the 31 types of messages is defined in the following 4 tables. M stands for mandatory, O for optional, X for never present. :: item 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 I004/000 M M M M M M M M I004/010 M M M M M M M M I004/015 O O O O O O O O I004/020 M M M M M M M M I004/030 X M M M M M M M I004/035 X X X X X X M X I004/040 X M M M M M M M I004/045 X O O O O O O O I004/060 M X X X X X X X I004/070 X X X O O X O X I004/074 X M X X X X X X I004/075 X X M X X X X M I004/076 X X X X X O X O I004/100 X X X X M X X O I004/110 X O O O O O O O I004/120 X X X M M X M X I004/170 X O O O O O O O I004/171 X X X X X X O X I004/RE O O O O O O O O item 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 I004/000 M M M M M M M M I004/010 M M M M M M M M I004/015 O O O O O O O O I004/020 M M M M M M M M I004/030 M M M M M M M M I004/035 M X M M M M O X I004/040 M M M M M M M M I004/045 O O O O O O O O I004/060 X X X X X X X X I004/070 O X O O O O O X I004/074 X X X X X X X X I004/075 X X X X X X X X I004/076 X X X X X X X X I004/100 M M M M M M M M I004/110 O O O O O O O O I004/120 M M M M M O O O I004/170 O O O O O O O O I004/171 O X O O O O O X I004/RE O O O O O O O O item 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 I004/000 M M M M M M M M I004/010 M M M M M M M M I004/015 O O O O O O O O I004/020 M M M M M M M M I004/030 O X M M M M M M I004/035 O X M X X X M X I004/040 M M M M M M M M I004/045 O O O O O O O O I004/060 X X X X X X X X I004/070 X O O X X O O X I004/074 X X X X X X X X I004/075 X X X X X X X X I004/076 X X X X X X X O I004/100 X X X O O M M O I004/110 X X O O O O O O I004/120 X X O M O M M O I004/170 X M O O O O O O I004/171 X O O X X X O X I004/RE O M O O O O O O item 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 I004/000 M M M M M M M M I004/010 M M M M M M M M I004/015 O O O O O O O O I004/020 M M M M M M M M I004/030 M M M M M M M M I004/035 X X X X O O M O I004/040 M M M M M M M M I004/045 O O O O O O O O I004/060 X X X X X X X X I004/070 X X X X O O O O I004/074 X X O X O X X X I004/075 X X X X O X X X I004/076 X O O O O X X X I004/100 O O O O O O O O I004/110 O O O O O O O O I004/120 O O O X O O O O I004/170 O O O O O O O O I004/171 X X X X O O O O I004/RE O O O O O O O O item 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 I004/000 M M M M M M M M I004/010 M M M M M M M M I004/015 O O O O O O O O I004/020 M M M M M M M M I004/030 M M M M M M M M I004/035 M M M X O M X X I004/040 M M M M M M M M I004/045 O O O O O O O O I004/060 X X X X X X X X I004/070 O O M X X X X X I004/074 X X X X X X X X I004/075 X X X X X X X X I004/076 X X X X X X X X I004/100 O O O O O O O O I004/110 X X X X X O O O I004/120 M M O X X M M M I004/170 M M M M M O O O I004/171 M M M X M O X X I004/RE O O M O O O O O item 041 042 043 044 045 097 098 099 I004/000 M M M M M M M M I004/010 M M M M M M M M I004/015 O O O O O O O O I004/020 M M M M M M M M I004/030 M M M M M M M M I004/035 X X X O X X X X I004/040 M M M M M M M M I004/045 O O O O O O O O I004/060 X X X X X X X X I004/070 X X X X O O O O I004/074 X X X X X X X X I004/075 X X X X X X X X I004/076 X X X X X X X X I004/100 O M M M O O O O I004/110 O O O O O O O O I004/120 M O X X M O O O I004/170 O O O O O O O O I004/171 X X X X X X X X I004/RE O O O O O M O O 010 "Data Source Identifier" definition Identification of the Safety Nets server sending the message. group SAC "System Area Code" element 8 raw SIC "System Identification Code" element 8 raw remark Note: - The up-to-date list of SACs is published on the EUROCONTROL Web Site ( 015 "SDPS Identifier" definition Identification of the SDPS providing data to the safety nets server. repetitive 1 group SAC "System Area Code" element 8 raw SIC "System Identification Code" element 8 raw remark Note: - The up-to-date list of SACs is published on the EUROCONTROL Web Site ( 020 "Time of Message" definition Absolute time stamping of the message in the form of elapsed time since last midnight element 24 unsigned quantity 1/2^7 "s" remark Notes: - This time is given at an application level (e.g. time at which a message is filled), and not at the communication level (i.e. not the time at which the data-block containing the message is sent). - The time is reset to zero at every midnight. 030 "Track Number 1" definition Identification of a track number related to conflict element 16 raw remark Notes: 1. This is the track number of the first track involved in the conflict in case of an STCA or a RIMCA or the track involved in case of one of the other Safety Net functions. 2. This track number is distributed in this field exactly as it was received from the Radar Processor Unit (identified by I004/015) and its range is depending on the range used by that unit. 3. In case of Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this represents the Track Number of the following aircraft. 4. In case of Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - ITD this represents the Track Number of the following aircraft. 5. In case of Message Type = 35 (Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert - IIA) this represents the track number of the following aircraft. 6. In case of Message Type = 37 (Catch-Up Warning - CUW) this represents the track number of the following aircraft (i.e. the one catching up). 035 "Track Number 2" definition Together with I004/030, this item defines the track pair in conflict. element 16 raw remark Notes: 1. This is the track number of the second track involved in the conflict in case of an STCA, a RIMCA, a NTCA, a VCD or in message types 33 to 35 and 37. 2. For the other Safety Net functions, this item is not used. 3. This track number is distributed in this field exactly as it was received from the Radar Processor Unit and its range is depending on the range used by that unit. 4. In case of Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this represents the Track Number of the leading aircraft 5. In case of Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - ITD this represents the Track Number of the leading aircraft. 6. In case of Message Type = 35 (Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert - IIA) this represents the track number of the leading aircraft. 7. In case of Message Type = 37 (Catch-Up Warning - CUW) this represents the track number of the leading aircraft. 8. In case of Message Type = 38 (Conflicting ATC Clearances - CATC) this represents the track number of the aircraft to which the first ATC Clearance was issued. 040 "Alert Identifier" definition Identification of an alert (Alert number) element 16 raw remark Notes: 1. This item is the Alert Identification of the conflict in the system 2. This number shall be assigned, by the Safety Net Server, for instance incrementally to every new alert and restart on zero after reaching the maximum value (65535) 045 "Area and Alert Status" definition Information concerning status of the alert group AREA "Area Status" group EP "Element Populated Bit" element 1 table 0: Element not populated 1: Element populated VAL "Area Status Value" element 3 table 0: Inactive 1: Active 2: Pre-active 3: Reserved for Future Use 4: Reserved for Future Use 5: Reserved for Future Use 6: Reserved for Future Use 7: Reserved for Future Use STAT "Status of the Alert" element 3 raw spare 1 060 "Safety Net Function and System Status" definition Status of the Safety Nets functions handled by the system extended MRVA "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: MRVA function RAMLD "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: RAMLD function RAMHD "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: RAMHD function MSAW "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: MSAW function APW "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: APW function CLAM "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: CLAM function STCA "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: STCA function - APM "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: APM function RIMCA "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: RIMCA function ACASRA "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: ACAS RA function NTCA "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: NTCA function DG "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: System degraded OF "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Overflow error OL "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Overload error - AIW "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: AIW function PAIW "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: PAIW function OCAT "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: OCAT function SAM "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: SAM function VCD "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: VCD function CHAM "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: CHAM function DSAM "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: DSAM function - DBPSMARR "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: DBPSM ARR sub-function DBPSMDEP "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: DBPSM DEP sub-function DBPSMTL "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: DBPSM TL sub-function VRAMCRM "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: VRAM CRM sub-function VRAMVTM "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: VRAM VTM sub-function VRAMVRM "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: VRAM VRM sub-function HAMHD "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: HAM HD sub-function - HAMRD "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: HAM RD sub-function HAMVD "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: HAM VD sub-function HVI "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: HVI function LTW "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: LTW function VPM "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: VPM function TTA "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: TTA function CRA "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: CRA function - ASM "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: ASM sub-function IAVM "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: IAVM sub-function FTD "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: FTD Function ITD "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: ITD function IIA "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: IIA function SQW "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: SQW function CUW "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: CUW function - CATC "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: CATC function NOCLR "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: NOCLR sub-function NOMOV "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: NOMOV Function NOH "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: NOH function WRTY "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: WRTY function STOCC "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: STOCC function ONGOING "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: ONGOING function - NTZ "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Non-Transgression Zone Function spare 6 - remark Notes: 1. This item only sent in “alive messages” to describe the status of the Safety Net functions, handled by the system 2. Value 0 means either that the function is not managed by the system or has failed. 3. Value 1 means that the function is managed by the system and is running well 4. “Overflow” is defined as a situation where the number of alerts in the system has exceeded the threshold for safe operation. Potential prioritization of the alerts may lead to a loss of information. 5. “Overload” is defined as a system status in which the number of alerts does not allow for a reliable performance. A correct calculation and transmission cannot be guaranteed. 6. “System degraded” means that information from one or more sensors is lost. 070 "Conflict Timing and Separation" definition Information on Timing and Aircraft Separation compound TC "Time to Conflict" description Time remaining to actual conflict situation element 24 unsigned quantity 1/2^7 "s" TCA "Time to Closest Approach" description Time to closest proximity between entities in conflict element 24 unsigned quantity 1/2^7 "s" CHS "Current Horizontal Separation" description Current horizontal separation element 24 unsigned quantity 1/2 "m" MHS "Estimated Minimum Horizontal Separation" description Estimated minimum horizontal separation. element 16 unsigned quantity 1/2 "m" CVS "Current Vertical Separation" description Current vertical separation element 16 unsigned quantity 25 "ft" MVS "Estimated Minimum Vertical Separation" description Estimated Minimum Vertical Separation element 16 unsigned quantity 25 "ft" 074 "Longitudinal Deviation" definition Longitudinal deviation for Route Adherence Monitoring, in two’s complement. element 16 signed quantity 32 "m" remark Note: - Longitudinal deviation will be positive if the aircraft is ahead of its planned position. Longitudinal deviation will be negative if the aircraft is behind its planned position. 075 "Transversal Distance Deviation" definition Transversal distance deviation for Route Adherence Monitoring, in two’s complement. element 24 signed quantity 1/2 "m" remark Note: - Deviation to the right of the track will be coded as a positive value. Deviation to the left of the track will be coded as a negative value 076 "Vertical Deviation" definition Vertical Deviation from planned altitude, in two’s complement element 16 signed quantity 25 "ft" remark Note: - Positive value if aircraft is above planned altitude Negative value if aircraft is below planned altitude 100 "Area Definition" definition Name of the area involved in a Safety Net alarm compound AN "Area Name" description Name of the area involved in a Safety Net alarm. Characters 1-8 (coded on 6 bits each) defining the name of the area. Coding rules are provided in [3]Section" element 48 string icao CAN "Crossing Area Name" description Name of Crossing Area Involved in RIMCA. Each octet is an ASCII character defining the name of the crossing area involved in a runway/taxiway crossing alert (message type 013) element 56 string ascii RT1 "Runway/Taxiway Designator 1" description Designator of Runway/Taxiway 1 Involved in a RIMCA Each octet is an ASCII character defining the runway designator element 56 string ascii RT2 "Runway/Taxiway Designator 2" description Designator of Runway/Taxiway 2 Involved in a RIMCA Each octet is an ASCII character defining the runway designator element 56 string ascii SB "Stop Bar Designator" description Designator of Stop-Bar Involved in RIMCA Each octet is an ASCII character defining the stop-bar involved in a stop-bar crossed alert (message type 016) element 56 string ascii G "Gate Designator" description Gate Designator (in 7 characters) of the approaching aircraft in a RIMCA or a STOCC message, Each octet is an ASCII character defining the gate for the approaching aircraft element 56 string ascii remark Notes: 1. The area name is always left adjusted. If needed, the remaining characters are filled with space character. 2. The name of the crossing area is always left adjusted. If needed, the remaining characters are filled with space characters. 3. The runway designator is always left adjusted. If needed, the remaining characters are filled with space characters. The runway is encoded as follows: Location indicator, runway direction, left or right. Example: EGLL09L means London Heathrow (EGLL), Runway 09 (direction 090 degrees) left runway 4. The runway designator is always left adjusted. If needed, the remaining characters are filled with space characters. The runway is encoded as follows: Location indicator, runway direction, left or right. Example: EGLL09L means London Heathrow (EGLL), Runway 09 (direction 090 degrees) left runway 5. The stop-bar designator is always left adjusted. If needed, the remaining characters are filled with space characters. 6. The gate designator is always left adjusted. If needed, the remaining characters are filled with space character. 110 "FDPS Sector Control Identification" definition Identification of a list of FDPS Sector Control Positions in charge of the involved targets, as provided by the FDPS repetitive 1 group CEN "" description Centre identification code element 8 raw POS "" description Control position identification code element 8 raw remark Note: - The Centre identification code and the Control position identification code must be defined between the communication partners. 120 "Conflict Characteristics" definition Description of the Conflict Properties compound CN "Conflict Nature" description Nature of the conflict expressed by a set of properties extended MAS "Conflict Location in Military Airspace" element 1 table 0: Conflict not predicted to occur in military airspace 1: Conflict predicted to occur in military airspace CAS "Conflict Location in Civil Airspace" element 1 table 0: Conflict not predicted to occur in civil airspace 1: Conflict predicted to occur in civil airspace FLD "Fast Lateral Divergence" element 1 table 0: Aircraft are not fast diverging laterally at current time 1: Aircraft are fast diverging laterally at current time FVD "Fast Vertical Divergence" element 1 table 0: Aircraft are not fast diverging vertically at current time 1: Aircraft are fast diverging vertically at current time TYPE "Type of Separation Infringement" element 1 table 0: Minor separation infringement 1: Major separation infringement CROSS "Crossing Test" element 1 table 0: Aircraft have not crossed at starting time of conflict 1: Aircraft have crossed at starting time of conflict DIV "Divergence Test" element 1 table 0: Aircraft are not diverging at starting time of conflict 1: Aircraft are diverging at starting time of conflict - RRC "Runway/Runway Crossing in RIMCAS" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Runway/Runway Crossing RTC "Runway/Taxiway Crossing in RIMCAS" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Runway/Taxiway Crossing MRVA "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Msg Type 4 (MSAW) indicates MRVA VRAMCRM "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Msg Type 25 (VRAM) indicates CRM VRAMVRM "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Msg Type 25 (VRAM) indicates VRM VRAMVTM "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Msg Type 25 (VRAM) indicates VTM HAMHD "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Msg Type 29 (HAM) indicates HD - HAMRD "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Msg Type 29 (HAM) indicates RD HAMVD "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Msg Type 29 (HAM) indicates VD DBPSMARR "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Msg Type 20 (DBPSM) indicates ARR DBPSMDEP "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Msg Type 20 (DBPSM) indicates DEP DBPSMTL "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Msg Type 20 (DBPSM) indicates above TL AIW "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Msg Type 99 (AIW) indicates pAIW Alert spare 1 - CC "Conflict Classification" description Severity classification of the conflict group TID "Identification of Conflict Categories Definition Table" element 4 raw CPC "Conflict Properties Class" case (000, 120/CC/TID) (5, 1): element 3 table 0: APW Low Severity 1: APW Medium Severity 2: APW High Severity (7, 0): element 3 table 1: Major seperation infringement and not (crossed and diverging) 2: Minor seperation infringement and not (crossed and diverging) 3: Major seperation infringement and (crossed and diverging) 4: Minor seperation infringement and (crossed and diverging) (7, 1): group LPF "Linear Prediction Filter" element 1 table 0: Filter not set 1: Filter set CPF "Current Proximity Filter" element 1 table 0: Filter not set 1: Filter set MHF "Manoeuvre Hazard Filter" element 1 table 0: Filter not set 1: Filter set (9, 2): group RAS "RIMCAS Alert Stage" element 1 table 0: Stage One Alert 1: Stage Two Alert spare 2 (10, 2): group RAS "RIMCAS Alert Stage" element 1 table 0: Stage One Alert 1: Stage Two Alert spare 2 (11, 2): group RAS "RIMCAS Alert Stage" element 1 table 0: Stage One Alert 1: Stage Two Alert spare 2 (12, 2): group RAS "RIMCAS Alert Stage" element 1 table 0: Stage One Alert 1: Stage Two Alert spare 2 (13, 2): group RAS "RIMCAS Alert Stage" element 1 table 0: Stage One Alert 1: Stage Two Alert spare 2 (14, 2): group RAS "RIMCAS Alert Stage" element 1 table 0: Stage One Alert 1: Stage Two Alert spare 2 (15, 2): group RAS "RIMCAS Alert Stage" element 1 table 0: Stage One Alert 1: Stage Two Alert spare 2 (16, 2): group RAS "RIMCAS Alert Stage" element 1 table 0: Stage One Alert 1: Stage Two Alert spare 2 (15, 1): element 3 table 0: 2 aircraft, same taxiway, opposite direction 1: Aircraft entering wrong direction 2: Aircraft entering wrong taxiway 3: Speed violation (24, 1): element 3 table 0: VRM Slow Climb 1: VRM Slow Descent (24, 2): element 3 table 0: VTM Fast Climb 1: VTM Fast Descent (26, 1): element 3 table 0: Vertical manoeuvre deviation prior to reaching its expected level 1: Vertical manoeuvre deviation past its expected level (27, 1): element 3 table 0: Slow Descent 1: Fast Descent 2: Slow Climb 3: Fast Climb (27, 2): element 3 table 0: Above 1: Below (33, 1): element 3 table 0: Table - Single RWY Operation 1: MRS - Single RWY Operation 2: ROT - Single RWY Operation 3: GAP - Single RWY Operation 4: Table - Parallel RWY Operation 5: MRS - Parallel RWY Operation 6: ROT - Parallel RWY Operation 7: GAP - Parallel RWY Operation (34, 1): element 3 table 0: Table - Single RWY Operation 1: MRS - Single RWY Operation 2: ROT - Single RWY Operation 3: GAP - Single RWY Operation 4: Table - Parallel RWY Operation 5: MRS - Parallel RWY Operation 6: ROT - Parallel RWY Operation 7: GAP - Parallel RWY Operation (35, 1): element 3 table 0: End of Alert 1: Planned Alert 2: Alert on TABLE Indicator 3: Alert on MRS Indicator 4: Alert on ROT Indicator 5: Alert on GAP Indicator (38, 0): element 3 table 0: Line-Up vs. Line-Up 1: Line-Up vs. Cross or Enter 2: Line-Up vs. Take-Off 3: Line-Up vs. Landing (38, 1): element 3 table 0: Cross or Enter vs. Line-Up 1: Cross or Enter vs. Cross or Enter 2: Cross or Enter vs. Take-Off 3: Cross or Enter vs. Landing (38, 2): element 3 table 0: Take-Off vs. Line-Up 1: Take-Off vs. Cross or Enter 2: Take-Off vs. Take-Off 3: Take-Off vs. Landing (38, 3): element 3 table 0: Landing vs. Line-Up 1: Landing vs. Cross or Enter 2: Landing vs. Take-Off 3: Landing vs. Landing (38, 4): element 3 table 0: Push-Back vs. Push-Back 1: Push-Back vs. Taxi (38, 5): element 3 table 0: Taxi vs. Push-Back 1: TAxi vs. Taxi (39, 1): element 3 table 0: No Push-Back Clearance 1: No Taxi Clearance 2: No Line-Up Clearance 3: No Crossing Clearance 4: No Enter Clearance 5: No Take-Off Clearance 6: Landing Clearance (40, 1): element 3 table 0: After Push-Back Clearance 1: After Taxi Clearance 2: After Line-Up Clearance 3: After Crossing Clearance 4: After Enter Clearance 5: After Take-Off Clearance 6: Stationary on Runway 7: Stationary on Taxiway (41, 1): element 3 table 0: No contact (receiving ATSU) 1: No transfer (leaving ATSU) (45, 1): group LFP "Linear Prediction Filter" element 1 table 0: Filter not set 1: Filter set spare 1 MSM "Mode S Manoeuvre/Prediction Filter" element 1 table 0: Filter not set 1: Filter set default: element 3 raw CS "Conflict Severity" element 1 table 0: LOW 1: HIGH CP "Conflict Probability" description Probability of the conflict element 8 unsigned quantity 1/2 "%" CD "Conflict Duration" description The duration of the conflict is the elapsed time since the declaration of the conflict. element 24 unsigned quantity 1/2^7 "s" remark Note: If no Table Id is defined for a message type, only the value of the CS bit may be of relevance. In that case, for this message type, Table Id and Conflict Properties are meaningless and shall be set to "0000" and "000" respectively. 1. Additional conflict classes may be defined by introducing additional properties of a conflict. 2. For FTD (Message Type = 033), ITD (Message Type = 034) and IIA (Message Type = 035) the following types of separation have been applied: Table: application of the values contained in the separation table according to the different wake vortex categories of the two aircraft. MRS: Minimum Radar Separation for the arrival runway ROT: Runway Occupancy Time – separation to achieve a specific ROT. GAP: separation based on a gap manually input by the ATCO 170 "Aircraft Identification and Characteristics 1" definition Identification & Characteristics of Aircraft 1 Involved in the Conflict. compound AI1 "Aircraft Identifier (in 7 Characters) of Aircraft 1 Involved in the Conflict" element 56 string ascii M31 "Mode 3/A Code Aircraft 1" group spare 4 MODE3A "Mode-3/A Code (Converted Into Octal Representation) of Aircraft 1 Involved in the Conflict" element 12 string octal CPW "Predicted Conflict Position Target 1 in WGS-84 Coordinates" group LAT "In WGS-84 in Two’s Complement" element 32 signed quantity 180/2^25 "°" >= -90 <= 90 LON "In WGS-84 in Two’s Complement" element 32 signed quantity 180/2^25 "°" >= -180 < 180 ALT "Altitude of Predicted Conflict" element 16 signed quantity 25 "ft" >= -1500 <= 150000 CPC "Predicted Conflict Position for the Aircraft 1 Involved in the Conflict" group X "Starting X-position of the Conflict" element 24 signed quantity 1/2 "m" Y "Starting Y-position of the Conflict" element 24 signed quantity 1/2 "m" Z "Starting Z-position of the Conflict" element 16 signed quantity 25 "ft" >= -1500 <= 150000 TT1 "Time to Runway Threshold for First Approaching Aircraft in a RIMCA" element 24 unsigned quantity 1/2^7 "s" DT1 "Distance to Runway Threshold for Aircraft 1 Involved in a RIMCA" element 16 unsigned quantity 1/2 "m" AC1 "Characteristics of Aircraft 1 Involved in the Conflict" extended GATOAT "Identification of Conflict Categories Definition Table" element 2 table 0: Unknown 1: General Air Traffic 2: Operational Air Traffic 3: Not applicable FR1FR2 "Flight Rules" element 2 table 0: Instrument Flight Rules 1: Visual Flight rules 2: Not applicable 3: Controlled Visual Flight Rules RVSM "" element 2 table 0: Unknown 1: Approved 2: Exempt 3: Not Approved HPR "" element 1 table 0: Normal Priority Flight 1: High Priority Flight - CDM "Climbing/Descending Mode" element 2 table 0: Maintaining 1: Climbing 2: Descending 3: Invalid PRI "" element 1 table 0: Non primary target 1: Primary target GV "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Ground Vehicle spare 3 - MS1 "Aircraft Identification Downloaded from Aircraft 1 Involved in the Conflict If Equipped with a Mode-S Transponder" element 48 string icao FP1 "Number of the Flight Plan Correlated to Aircraft 1 Involved in the Conflict" group spare 5 NBR "" element 27 unsigned quantity 1 "" >= 0 <= 99999999 CF1 "Cleared Flight Level for Aircraft 1 Involved in the Conflict" element 16 unsigned quantity 1/2^2 "FL" remark Notes: 1. The aircraft identifier is always left adjusted. If needed, the remaining characters are filled with space character. 2. For Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this contains the aircraft identifier of the following aircraft. 3. For Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - ITD) this contains the aircraft identifier of the following aircraft. 4. For Message Type = 35 (Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert - IIA) this contains the aircraft identifier of the following aircraft. 5. For Message Type = 37 (Catch-Up Warning - CUW) this contains the aircraft identifier of the following aircraft (i.e. the one catching up). 6. For Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this contains the Mode 3/A Code of the following aircraft. 7. For Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - ITD) this contains the Mode 3/A Code of the following aircraft. 8. For Message Type = 35 (Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert - IIA) this contains the Mode 3/A Code of the following aircraft. 9. For Message Type = 37 (Catch-Up Warning - CUW) this contains the Mode 3/A code of the following aircraft (i.e. the one catching up). 10. Altitude expressed in two’s complement. 11. For Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this data item contains the position (in WGS-84) of the Separation Indicator presented to the ATCO. In this case bits 16/1 are meaningless. 12. For Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - ITD) this data item contains the position (in WGS-84) of the Separation Indicator presented to the ATCO. In this case bits 16/1 are meaningless. 13. For Message Type = 35 (Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert - IIA) this data item contains the position (in WGS-84) of the Separation Indicator presented to the ATCO. In this case bits 16/1 are meaningless. 14. For Message Type = 37 (Catch-Up Warning - CUW) this contains the position (in WGS-84) of the Separation Indicator presented to the ATCO. In this case bits 16/1 are meaningless. 15. Two’s complement fixed-point format. 16. For Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this data item contains the position (in Cartesian Coordinates) of the Separation Indicator presented to the ATCO. In this case bits 16/1 are meaningless. 17. For Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - ITD) this data item contains the position (in Cartesian Coordinates) of the Separation Indicator presented to the ATCO. In this case bits 16/1 are meaningless. 18. For Message Type = 35 (Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert - IIA) this data item contains the position (in Cartesian Coordinates) of the Separation Indicator presented to the ATCO. In this case bits 16/1 are meaningless. 19. For Message Type = 37 (Catch-Up Warning - CUW) this data item contains the position (in Cartesian Coordinates) of the Separation Indicator presented to the ATCO. In this case bits 16/1 are meaningless. 20. Time to Threshold expressed in Two’s Complement 21. For Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) and for Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this data item contains the additional gap in spacing between two approaching aircraft as manually inserted by the ATCO. This could be used, for example, to increase the spacing between approaching aircraft in order to generate sufficient spacing to clear a departing aircraft. 22. For Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) thiscontains the Aircraft Characteristics of the following aircraft. 23. For Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this contains the Aircraft Characteristics of the following aircraft. 24. For Message Type = 35 (Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert - IIA) this contains the Aircraft Characteristics of the following aircraft. 25. For Message Type = 37 (Catch-Up Warning - CUW) this contains the Aircraft Characteristics of the following aircraft. 26. For Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this contains the Mode-S Identifier of the following aircraft. 27. For Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - ITD) this contains the Mode-S Identifier of the following aircraft. 28. For Message Type = 35 (Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert - IIA) this contains the Mode-S Identifier of the following aircraft. 29. For Message Type = 37 (Catch-Up Warning - CUW) this contains the Mode-S Identifier of the following aircraft. 30. For Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this contains the Flight Plan Number of the following aircraft. 31. For Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - ITD) this contains the Flight Plan Number of the following aircraft. 32. For Message Type = 35 (Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert - IIA) this contains the Flight Plan Number of the following aircraft. 33. For Message Type = 37 (Catch-Up Warning - CUW) this contains the Flight Plan Number of the following aircraft. 34. For Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this contains the Cleared Flight Level of the following aircraft. 35. For Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - ITD) this contains the Cleared Flight Level of the following aircraft. 36. For Message Type = 35 (Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert - IIA) this contains the Cleared Flight Level of the following aircraft. 37. For Message Type = 37 (Catch-Up Warning - CUW) this contains the Cleared Flight Level of the following aircraft. 171 "Aircraft Identification and Characteristics 2" definition Identification & Characteristics of Aircraft 2 Involved in the Conflict. compound AI2 "Aircraft Identifier (in 7 Characters) of Aircraft 2 Involved in the Conflict" element 56 string ascii M32 "Mode 3/A Code Aircraft 2" group spare 4 MODE3A "Mode-3/A Code (Converted Into Octal Representation) of Aircraft 2 Involved in the Conflict" element 12 string octal CPW "Predicted Conflict Position Target 2 in WGS-84 Coordinates" group LAT "In WGS-84 in Two’s Complement" element 32 signed quantity 180/2^25 "°" >= -90 <= 90 LON "In WGS-84 in Two’s Complement" element 32 signed quantity 180/2^25 "°" >= -180 < 180 ALT "Altitude of Predicted Conflict" element 16 signed quantity 25 "ft" >= -1500 <= 150000 CPL "Predicted Conflict Position for the Aircraft 2 Involved in the Conflict" group X "Starting X-position of the Conflict" element 24 signed quantity 1/2 "m" Y "Starting Y-position of the Conflict" element 24 signed quantity 1/2 "m" Z "Starting Z-position of the Conflict" element 16 signed quantity 25 "ft" >= -1500 <= 150000 TT2 "Time to Runway Threshold for Second Approaching Aircraft in a RIMCA" element 24 unsigned quantity 1/2^7 "s" DT2 "Distance to Runway Threshold for Aircraft 2 Involved in a RIMCA" element 16 unsigned quantity 1/2 "m" AC2 "Characteristics of Aircraft 2 Involved in the Conflict" extended GATOAT "Identification of Conflict Categories Definition Table" element 2 table 0: Unknown 1: General Air Traffic 2: Operational Air Traffic 3: Not applicable FR1FR2 "Flight Rules" element 2 table 0: Instrument Flight Rules 1: Visual Flight rules 2: Not applicable 3: Controlled Visual Flight Rules RVSM "" element 2 table 0: Unknown 1: Approved 2: Exempt 3: Not Approved HPR "" element 1 table 0: Normal Priority Flight 1: High Priority Flight - CDM "Climbing/Descending Mode" element 2 table 0: Maintaining 1: Climbing 2: Descending 3: Invalid PRI "" element 1 table 0: Non primary target 1: Primary target GV "" element 1 table 0: Default 1: Ground Vehicle spare 3 - MS2 "Aircraft Identification Downloaded From Aircraft 2 Involved in the Conflict If Eequipped With a Mode-S Transponder" element 48 string icao FP2 "Number of the Flight Plan Correlated to Aircraft 2 Involved in the Conflict" group spare 5 NBR "" element 27 unsigned quantity 1 "" >= 0 <= 99999999 CF2 "Cleared Flight Level for Aircraft 2 Involved in the Conflict" element 16 unsigned quantity 1/2^2 "FL" remark Notes: 1. The aircraft identifier is always left adjusted. If needed, the remaining characters are filled with space character. 2. For Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this contains the aircraft identifier of the leading aircraft. 3. For Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - ITD) this contains the aircraft identifier of the leading aircraft. 4. For Message Type = 35 (Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert - IIA) this contains the aircraft identifier of the leading aircraft. 5. For Message Type = 37 (Catch-Up Warning - CUW) this contains the aircraft identifier of the leading aircraft. 6. For Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this contains the Mode 3/A Code of the leading aircraft. 7. For Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - ITD) this contains the Mode 3/A Code of the leading aircraft. 8. For Message Type = 35 (Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert - IIA) this contains the Mode 3/A Code of the leading aircraft. 9. For Message Type = 37 (Catch-Up Warning - CUW) this contains the Mode 3/A code of the leading aircraft. 10. Altitude expressed in two’s complement. 11. FTwo’s complement. 12. Time to Threshold expressed in Two’s Complement 13. For Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this contains the Aircraft Characteristics of the leading aircraft. 14. For Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - ITD) this contains the Aircraft Characteristics of the leading aircraft. 15. For Message Type = 35 (Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert - IIA) this contains the Aircraft Characteristics of the leading aircraft. 16. For Message Type = 37 (Catch-Up Warning - CUW) this contains the Aircraft Characteristics of the leading aircraft. 17. For Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this contains the Mode-S Identifier of the leading aircraft. 18. For Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - ITD) this contains the Mode-S Identifier of the leading aircraft. 19. For Message Type = 35 (Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert - IIA) this contains the Mode-S Identifier of the leading aircraft. 20. For Message Type = 37 (Catch-Up Warning - CUW) this contains the Mode-S Identifier of the leading aircraft. 21. For Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this contains the Flight Plan Number of the leading aircraft. 22. For Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - ITD) this contains the Flight Plan Number of the leading aircraft. 23. For Message Type = 35 (Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert - IIA) this contains the Flight Plan Number of the leading aircraft. 24. For Message Type = 37 (Catch-Up Warning - CUW) this contains the Flight Plan Number of the leading aircraft. 25. The value shall be within the range described by ICAO Annex 10 26. For Message Type = 33 (Final Target Distance Indicator - FTD) this contains the Cleared Flight Level of the leading aircraft. 27. For Message Type = 34 (Initial Target Distance Indicator - ITD) thiscontains the Cleared Flight Level of the leading aircraft. 28. For Message Type = 35 (Wake Vortex Indicator Infringement Alert - IIA) this contains the Cleared Flight Level of the leading aircraft. 29. For Message Type = 37 (Catch-Up Warning - CUW) this contains the Cleared Flight Level of the leading aircraft. RE "Reserved Expansion Field" definition Expansion explicit re SP "Special Purpose Field" definition Special Purpose Field explicit sp uap 010 000 015 020 040 045 060 030 170 120 070 076 074 075 100 035 171 110 - RE SP