category: 015
edition: 1.1
date: 2021-03-19
Surveillance data exchange.
I015/000 - Message Type
definition: This data item conveys the report type and whether the output is periodically updated or asynchronous depending upon external events.
I015/000/MT - Message Type
bit size: 7
:- Measurement Plot
:- Measurement Track
:- Sensor Centric Plot
:- Sensor Centric Track
:- Track End Message
I015/000/RG - Report Generation
bit size: 1
:- Periodic Report
:- Event Driven Report
Note 1: See Section 4.7 and ANNEX A for definitions of the Message Types.
Note 2: Values 6 to 127 are reserved for future use
Note 3: Periodic Report: A periodic report is one transmitted periodically with an independently configurable period.
Note 4: Event Driven Report: An Event Driven Report is one generated in response to the occurrence of an external event such as an RF echo off a target.
I015/010 - Data Source Identifier
definition: Identification of the sensor from which the data is received.
I015/010/SAC - System Area Code
bit size: 8
Raw Content
I015/010/SIC - System Identification Code
bit size: 8
Raw Content
Note 1: The up-to-date list of SACs is published on the EUROCONTROL Web Site (
Note 2: The SICs are allocated by the national authority responsible for the surveillance infrastructure.
Note 3: The SIC and SAC values shall be formatted as binary unsigned integers.
I015/015 - Service Identification
definition: Identification of the service provided to one or more users.
bit size: 8
Raw Content
Note 1: The Service Identification is allocated by the system.
Note 2: The SID value shall be formatted as binary unsigned integers.
I015/020 - Target Report Descriptor
definition: Type and characteristics of the data as transmitted by a system.
I015/020/MOMU - Mono-Static Target Report or Multi-Static Target Report
bit size: 2
:- Mono-Static Sensor
:- Multi-Static Sensor
:- Other
:- Unknown
I015/020/TTAX - Target Taxonomy
bit size: 2
:- Actual Target Report
:- Reference Target
:- Synthetic Target
:- Simulated / Replayed Target
I015/020/SCD - Scanning Direction
bit size: 2
:- Unknown
:- Forward
:- Backward
:- Static
Spare bits: 1
(FX) - extension bit
Note 1: The MoMu bit is used to indicate whether the target report was constructed from a multi-static (including bi-static) or mono-static sensor. Its setting dictates the interpretation of data items I015/625 and I015/626. The meaning of the value “other” shall be described in the system ICD.
Note 2: In this context, a Reference Target Report stems from a non-aircraft target based on RF received externally to the system boundary. This may be generated, for example, by an external RF generator or a Permanent Echo or from a device, which is deployed in line of sight of the sensor.
Note 3: A synthetic target is an internally generated diagnostic signal prior to the generation of the ASTERIX Category 015 target report. For example used to support test processes.
Note 4: This value is used to represent externally generated targets or recorded data injected into the output data stream of the INCS system e.g. for test or training purposes.
Note 5: This indication is used to inform about the scanning direction of the system (e.g. left/right, up/down, clockwise/anti-clockwise). It’s exact meaning is implementation dependent and shall be described in the system ICD.
I015/030 - Warning/Error Conditions
definition: Warning/error conditions detected by a system for the target report involved.
With FX extension bit.
bit size: 7
Raw Content
Note 1: It has to be stressed that a series of one or more W/E conditions can be reported per target report.
Note 2: The nature of the warning / error condition may differ between sensor types and the declaration and use of such alerts is driven by end user requirements.
Note 3: Potential applications could be to indicate that the target report correlates with road infrastructure (terrestrial vehicles) or a wind turbine or that it is a fixed or slow moving return or originating from an area of high clutter. Such data items could also be used to indicate the presence of interference – either deliberate or accidental.
Note 4: The Warning/Error Condition Values from 1-31 are reserved for designation by the ASTERIX Maintenance Group. System implementers are free to use values of 32 and above. The allocation of the remaining values of this data item shall be defined in a local Interface Control Document.
Note 5: The value of “0” must not be assigned.
I015/050 - Update Period
definition: Period until next expected output of a target report for this target.
Spare bits: 2
I015/050/UPD - Update Period
bit size: 14
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/27 s ≈ 7.8125e − 3 s
unit: "s"
128.0Note 1: It is not necessary that all targets detected by the INCS sensor have target reports generated at the same update period.
Note 2: This data item indicates the period until the next expected output of a target report for this target relative to the Time of Applicability contained in data item I015/145
I015/145 - Time of Applicability
definition: Absolute time stamping for applicability of the measured information expressed as UTC.
bit size: 24
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/27 s ≈ 7.8125e − 3 s
unit: "s"
86400.0Note 1: The Time of Applicability refers to the information contained in data item I015/600, I015/601, I015/625, I015/626, I015/627, I015/628 whichever is available. In case of a Track End Message (Message Type = 5) it refers to the time at which the track is terminated and the track number (data item I015/161) is released for re-use.
Note 2: A distributed sensor, such as an MSPSR, may have multiple elements that are each individually time stamped which are consolidated in to a target report. Rather than provide details of each time stamped message, this data item conveys the time of applicability of position of the target report.
Note 3: The Time of Applicability value is reset to zero each day at midnight.
Note 4: The Time of Applicability value shall be formatted as a binary unsigned integer.
I015/161 - Track/Plot Number
definition: An integer value representing a unique reference to a track/plot record.
bit size: 16
Unsigned integer
65535.0Note 1: Track numbers are required for Sensor and Measurement Tracks. However, for Sensor and Measurement Plots the inclusion of a track number is optional – depending upon whether the INCS sensor has used tracking processing to reduce the false alarm rates.
Note 2: The track number is allocated by the system.
Note 3: The track number value shall be formatted as binary unsigned integers.
I015/170 - Track/Plot Status
definition: Status of Track/Plot.
bit size: 1
:- Target not in Blind Zone
:- Target in Blind Zone
bit size: 1
:- Target not in Blanked Zone
:- Target in Blanked Zone
bit size: 1
:- Track Alive
:- Track Terminated by User Request
Spare bits: 1
I015/170/CSTP - Coasted - Position
bit size: 1
:- Not extrapolated
:- Extrapolated
I015/170/CSTH - Coasted – Height
bit size: 1
:- Not extrapolated
:- Extrapolated
I015/170/CNF - Confirmed vs. Tentative Track
bit size: 1
:- Confirmed Track
:- Tentative Track
(FX) - extension bit
Note 1: The indication for CSTP and/or CSTH applies only to data items I015/600 and I015/605 respectively. In case one of these data items is not present, CSTP and/or CSTH has no meaning.
Note 2: A coasted track is one for which the sensor detections have been interrupted and whose position/height is being predicted based on the previously received responses.
Note 3: The blind zone or blanked zone are predictable zones where no detection is predicted. If bit 5 is set and TTS = 1 then the track is coasted because it is in a blind zone or sector blank zone.
Note 4: The indication TUR=1 shall be sent only with Message Type = 5 “Track End Message”.
I015/270 - Target Size & Orientation
definition: Data item containing the size and orientation information of the target.
I015/270/LEN - Target Length
description: The target length is the longest dimension in the targets direction of motion
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/100 m ≈ 1.0e − 2 m
unit: "m"
655.35I015/270/WDT - Target Width
description: The target width is the longest dimension orthogonal to the targets direction of motion
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/100 m ≈ 1.0e − 2 m
unit: "m"
655.35I015/270/HGT - Target Height
description: The target height is the longest dimension in the vertical direction.
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/100 m ≈ 1.0e − 2 m
unit: "m"
655.35I015/270/ORT - Target Orientation
description: The orientation gives the direction, which the target nose is pointing, relative to the Geographical North.
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 360/216 ° ≈ 5.4931640625e − 3 °
unit: "°"
360.0Note: The orientation shall increment in a clockwise manner relative to Geographic North.
Note: If length and width cannot be clearly determined, the greater value of the two shall be transmitted as length.
I015/300 - Object Classification
definition: Classification result of the object detection.
Regular, 1 byte(s) REP field size.
I015/300/CLS - Classification
bit size: 9
Unsigned integer
I015/300/PRB - Probability
bit size: 7
Unsigned integer
Note 1: INCS processing may be able to provide an indication of the nature of the target e.g. road vehicle or aircraft with the potential for further discrimination in the type of the aircraft e.g. two engine, fixed wing/helicopter etc. Before including requirements for target classification it is necessary to consider the operational manner in which such information would be used and how/if such data would be made available to the controllers.
Note 2: Target classification is attributing, with an acceptable degree of confidence, a target report as having originated from a specific object or target type e.g. fixed wing aircraft, flock of birds etc. (It should be noted that the probabilities assigned to a target do not necessarily need to add up to 100%) The ability of an INCS sensor to classify the targets it detects is dependent upon the systems capabilities and is driven by end user requirements. The use of this optional data item is to be agreed between parties such as the system manufacturer, the system operator agency and the end user. The allocation of the CLS octet is to be defined in a local Interface Control Document that shall be agreed by both parties.
Note 3: If this functionality is implemented in the sensor, the classification result (CLS), PRB and REP value shall be formatted as a binary unsigned integer.
I015/400 - Measurement Identifier
definition: An identifier pointing to a measurement that was created from a specific contributing Tx/Rx Pair where the Pair Identifier refers to the index which details both the transmitter characteristics (DVB-T, DAB, FM, dedicated etc.) and the receiver characteristics. These are defined in ASTERIX Category 016 – Data Item I016/300).
I015/400/PID - Pair Identifier
bit size: 16
Unsigned integer
I015/400/ON - Observation Number
bit size: 24
Unsigned integer
Note 1: INCS sensors may achieve their operational requirements based upon different techniques and technologies. Some may utilise multiple transmitter stations or multiple receiver stations. This data items provides the means for subsequent processing stages to be able to analyse the target report data based upon the system components that contributed to the formation of the target report. See ANNEX A for further details.
Note 2: The Pair Identifier shall be defined in ASTERIX Category 016 (Data Item I016/300).
Note 3: The Observation Number is identifying an element of ‘raw data’ information. The sensor plots and sensor tracks are usually composed of several
I015/480 - Associations
definition: Information on which Measurement Identifiers contributed to the Sensor Centric Plot / Sensor Centric Track.
Regular, 1 byte(s) REP field size.
bit size: 40
Raw Content
I015/600 - Horizontal Position Information
definition: Data item containing the horizontal position information of the target.
I015/600/P84 - Horizontal Position in WGS-84 Coordinates
description: Position of a target in WGS-84 Coordinates.
description: Latitude in WGS-84, in Two’s complement.
bit size: 32
Signed quantity
LSB = 180/231 ° ≈ 8.381903171539306640625e − 8 °
unit: "°"
description: Longitude in WGS-84, in Two’s complement.
bit size: 32
Signed quantity
LSB = 180/231 ° ≈ 8.381903171539306640625e − 8 °
unit: "°"
180.0Note: The LSB provides a resolution of 1cm. Positive longitude indicates East. Positive latitude indicates North.
I015/600/HPR - Horizontal Position Resolution
description: A horizontal 2D dimensional area (ellipse) within which the sensor is unable to resolve two separate targets.
description: Horizontal position resolution of the target in target centric Cartesian coordinates (X-component)
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/2 m ≈ 0.5 m
unit: "m"
description: Horizontal position resolution of the target in target centric Cartesian coordinates (Y-component)
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/2 m ≈ 0.5 m
unit: "m"
description: Correlation of horizontal position resolution of X and Y components, in Two’s complement.
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/600/HPP - Horizontal Position Precision
description: The distribution of horizontal position random errors.
description: Standard Deviation of horizontal position of the target in target centric Cartesian coordinates (X-component)
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/22 m ≈ 0.25 m
unit: "m"
description: Standard Deviation of horizontal position of the target in target centric Cartesian coordinates (Y-component)
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/22 m ≈ 0.25 m
unit: "m"
description: Correlation of standard deviation of horizontal position of X and Y components, in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/601 - Geometric Height Information
definition: Data item containing the geometric height information of the target in WGS 84 height above ellipsoid.
I015/601/GH - Geometric Height (WGS-84)
description: Vertical distance between the target and the projection of its position on the earth’s ellipsoid, as defined by WGS-84, in Two’s complement form.
bit size: 24
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/100 m ≈ 1.0e − 2 m
unit: "m"
83286.0I015/601/RSGH - Geometric Height Resolution
description: Vertical distance within which the sensor is unable to resolve two separate targets.
bit size: 24
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/100 m ≈ 1.0e − 2 m
unit: "m"
167772.15I015/601/SDGH - Geometric Height Precision
description: The distribution of random Geometric Height errors (see also the definition of Precision in the appendix).
bit size: 24
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/100 m ≈ 1.0e − 2 m
unit: "m"
167772.15I015/601/CI6 - Confidence Interval for Geometric Height (67%)
description: A measure of the uncertainty within which 67% of geometric height measurements will be contained.
description: Upper confidence interval for Geometric Height (67%)
bit size: 12
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 16 m ≈ 16.0 m
unit: "m"
description: Lower confidence interval for Geometric Height (67%)
bit size: 12
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 16 m ≈ 16.0 m
unit: "m"
65520.0I015/601/CI9 - Confidence Interval for Geometric Height (95%)
description: A measure of the certainty within which 95% of geometric height measurements will be contained.
description: Upper confidence interval for Geometric Height (95%)
bit size: 12
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 16 m ≈ 16.0 m
unit: "m"
description: Lower confidence interval for Geometric Height (95%)
bit size: 12
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 16 m ≈ 16.0 m
unit: "m"
65520.0I015/601/COGHHP - Correlation of Geometric Height and Horizontal Position
description: Correlation of Geometric Height converted into metres and Horizontal Position of X/Y-components.
description: Correlation of Geometric Height converted into metres and Horizontal Position of (X-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Geometric Height converted into metres and Horizontal Position of (Y-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/601/COGHHV - Correlation of Geometric Height and Horizontal Velocity
description: Correlation of Geometric Height converted into metres and Horizontal Velocity.
description: Correlation of Geometric Height converted into metres and Horizontal Velocity of (X-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Geometric Height converted into metres and Horizontal Velocity of (Y-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/601/COGHHA - Correlation of Geometric Height and Horizontal Acceleration
description: Correlation of Geometric Height converted into metres and Horizontal Acceleration of X/Y-components.
description: Correlation of Geometric Height converted into metres and Horizontal Acceleration of (X-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Geometric Height converted into metres and Horizontal Acceleration of (Y-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/602 - Horizontal Velocity Information
definition: Magnitude of the Horizontal Velocity Vector.
I015/602/HV - Horizontal Velocity Vector
description: Horizontal velocity vector expressed in target centric Cartesian coordinates.
description: Horizontal Velocity (X-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 20
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/100 m/s ≈ 1.0e − 2 m/s
unit: "m/s"
description: Horizontal Velocity in (Y-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 20
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/100 m/s ≈ 1.0e − 2 m/s
unit: "m/s"
5242.87I015/602/RSHV - Horizontal Velocity Resolution
description: Minimum difference in Horizontal Velocity at which a sensor system is able to distinguish two targets with otherwise identical parameters in range and angular domain (under ideal measurement).
description: Horizontal velocity resolution of the target in target centric Cartesian coordinates (X-component)
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/100 m/s ≈ 1.0e − 2 m/s
unit: "m/s"
description: Horizontal velocity resolution of the target in target centric Cartesian coordinates (Y-component)
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/100 m/s ≈ 1.0e − 2 m/s
unit: "m/s"
description: Correlation of horizontal position resolution of X and Y components, in Two’s complement.
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
Note: The velocity resolution describes the capability of a sensor to be able to separate two closely located targets in the velocity domain. The velocity resolution for an INCS system depends on the signal integration time as well as the transmit frequency. A longer integration time or a higher transmit frequency leads to a better velocity resolution. Depending on the specific INCS application, a better velocity resolution may be more important than a high sensor refresh rate. The velocity resolution might also alleviate the limitations on the range resolution, in order to make small bandwidth applications possible.
I015/602/SDHV - Horizontal Velocity Precision
description: Root-mean-square (rms) error of the Horizontal Velocity estimate provided by a sensor system.
description: Standard Deviation of horizontal velocity (X-component)
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/100 m/s ≈ 1.0e − 2 m/s
unit: "m/s"
description: Standard Deviation of horizontal velocity (Y-component)
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/100 m/s ≈ 1.0e − 2 m/s
unit: "m/s"
description: Correlation of standard deviation of horizontal velocity of X and Y components, in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/602/COHVHP - Correlation of Horizontal Velocity and Horizontal Position
description: Correlation of the errors associated with the estimates of Horizontal Velocity and Horizontal Position provided by a sensor system.
description: Correlation of Horizontal Velocity (X-component) and Horizontal Position (X-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Horizontal Velocity (X-component) and Horizontal Position (Y-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Horizontal Velocity (Y-component) and Horizontal Position (X-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Horizontal Velocity (Y-component) and Horizontal Position (Y-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/603 - Horizontal Acceleration Information
definition: Magnitude of the Horizontal Acceleration Vector.
I015/603/HA - Horizontal Acceleration Vector
description: Horizontal acceleration vector expressed in target centric local Cartesian coordinates, in Two’s complement representation.
description: Horizontal Acceleration (X-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 12
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/24 m/s² ≈ 6.25e − 2 m/s²
unit: "m/s²"
description: Horizontal Acceleration (Y-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 12
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/24 m/s² ≈ 6.25e − 2 m/s²
unit: "m/s²"
128.0I015/603/SDHA - Horizontal Acceleration Precision
description: Root-mean-square (rms) error of the Horizontal Acceleration estimate provided by a sensor system.
description: Standard Deviation of Horizontal Acceleration (X-component)
bit size: 12
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/24 m/s² ≈ 6.25e − 2 m/s²
unit: "m/s²"
description: Standard Deviation of Horizontal Acceleration (Y-component)
bit size: 12
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/24 m/s² ≈ 6.25e − 2 m/s²
unit: "m/s²"
description: Correlation of standard deviation of Horizontal Acceleration of X and Y components, in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/603/COHAHP - Correlation of Horizontal Acceleration and Horizontal Position
description: Correlation of the errors associated with the estimates of Horizontal Acceleration and Horizontal Position provided by a sensor system.
description: Correlation of Horizontal Acceleration (X-component) and Horizontal Position (X-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Horizontal Acceleration (X-component) and Horizontal Position (Y-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Horizontal Acceleration (Y-component) and Horizontal Position (X-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Horizontal Acceleration (Y-component) and Horizontal Position (Y-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/603/COHAHV - Correlation of Horizontal Acceleration and Horizontal Velocity
description: Correlation of the errors associated with the estimates of Horizontal Acceleration and Horizontal Velocity provided by a sensor system.
description: Correlation of Horizontal Acceleration (X-component) and Horizontal Velocity (X-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Horizontal Acceleration (X-component) and Horizontal Velocity (Y-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Horizontal Acceleration (Y-component) and Horizontal Velocity (X-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Horizontal Acceleration (Y-component) and Horizontal Velocity (Y-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/604 - Vertical Velocity Information
definition: Vertical velocity as given by the rate of change of the Geometric Height.
I015/604/VV - Vertical Velocity
description: Vertical velocity as given by the rate of change of the Geometric Height expressed in Two’s Complement.
bit size: 24
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/100 m/s ≈ 1.0e − 2 m/s
unit: "m/s"
83886.07Note: Positive values indicates climbing target and negative values indicates descending target.
I015/604/RSVV - Vertical Velocity Resolution
description: Minimum difference in Vertical Velocity at which a sensor system is able to distinguish two targets with otherwise identical parameters in range and angular domain (under ideal measurement).
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/100 m/s ≈ 1.0e − 2 m/s
unit: "m/s"
655.35I015/604/SDVV - Vertical Velocity Precision
description: Root-mean-square (rms) error of the Vertical Velocity estimate provided by a sensor system.
description: Standard Deviation of Vertical Velocity
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/100 m/s ≈ 1.0e − 2 m/s
unit: "m/s"
description: Correlation of Vertical Velocity and Geometric Height, in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/604/COVVHP - Correlation of Vertical Velocity and Horizontal Position
description: Correlation of the errors associated with the estimates of Vertical Velocity converted in to metres/sec and Horizontal Position provided by a sensor system.
description: Correlation of Vertical Velocity and Horizontal Position (X-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Vertical Velocity and Horizontal Position (Y-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/604/COVVHV - Correlation of Vertical Velocity and Horizontal Velocity
description: Correlation of the errors associated with the estimates of Vertical Velocity converted in to metres/sec and Horizontal Velocity provided by a sensor system.
description: Correlation of Vertical Velocity and Horizontal Velocity (X-component)), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Vertical Velocity and Horizontal Velocity (Y-component)), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/604/COVVHA - Correlation of Vertical Velocity and Horizontal Acceleration
description: Correlation of the errors associated with the estimates of Vertical Velocity converted in to metres/sec and Horizontal Acceleration provided by a sensor system.
description: Correlation of Vertical and Horizontal Acceleration (X-component)), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Vertical Velocity and Horizontal Acceleration (Y-component)), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/605 - Vertical Velocity Information
definition: Compound data item, comprising a primary subfield of one-octet, followed by one or more defined subfields.
I015/605/VA - Vertical Acceleration
description: Vertical acceleration information expressed in Two’s complement.
bit size: 16
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/100 m/s² ≈ 1.0e − 2 m/s²
unit: "m/s²"
327.67Note: Positive values indicates accelerating during climb or descent and negative values indicates deceleration during climb or descent.
I015/605/RSVA - Vertical Acceleration Precision
description: Root-mean-square (rms) error of the Vertical Acceleration estimate provided by a sensor system.
description: Standard Deviation of Vertical Acceleration
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/100 m/s² ≈ 1.0e − 2 m/s²
unit: "m/s²"
description: Correlation of Vertical Acceleration and Geometric Height, in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Vertical Acceleration and Vertical Velocity, in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/605/COVAHP - Correlation of Vertical Acceleration and Horizontal Position
description: Correlation of the errors associated with the estimates of Vertical Acceleration and Horizontal Position provided by a sensor system.
description: Correlation of Vertical Acceleration and Horizontal Position (X-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Vertical Acceleration and Horizontal Position (Y-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/605/COVAHV - Correlation of Vertical Acceleration and Horizontal Velocity
description: Correlation of the errors associated with the estimates of Vertical Acceleration and Horizontal Velocity provided by a sensor system.
description: Correlation of Vertical Acceleration and Horizontal Velocity (X-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Vertical Acceleration and Horizontal Velocity (Y-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/605/COVAHA - Correlation of Vertical Acceleration and Horizontal Acceleration
description: Correlation of the errors associated with the estimates of Vertical Acceleration and Horizontal Acceleration provided by a sensor system.
description: Correlation of Vertical Acceleration and Horizontal Acceleration (X-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Vertical Acceleration and Horizontal Acceleration (Y-component), in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/625 - Range Information
definition: The targets range information is given relative to the sensor reference point(s).
I015/625/R - Range
description: Measured range between a target object and a pre-defined point associated with the sensor system (e.g., for a mono-static radar system the phase centre of the antenna aperture) or measured bistatic range between a pre-defined point associated with the transmitter station, the target object position and a pre-defined point associated with the sensor system (e.g., for a bistatic radar system the phase centres of the transmitter and receiver antenna aperture).
bit size: 24
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/10 m ≈ 0.1 m
unit: "m"
838860.7I015/625/RSR - Range Resolution
description: Minimum difference in Range at which a sensor system is able to distinguish two targets with otherwise identical parameters in velocity and angular domain (under ideal measurement).
bit size: 24
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/10 m ≈ 0.1 m
unit: "m"
1677721.5Note: This may differ from the cell size applied within the Sensor.
I015/625/SDR - Range Precision
description: Root-mean-square (rms) error of the Range estimate provided by a sensor system.
bit size: 24
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/10 m ≈ 0.1 m
unit: "m"
1677721.5I015/625/RR - Range Rate
description: The range rate is derived from different range measurements.
bit size: 24
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/10 m/s ≈ 0.1 m/s
unit: "m/s"
838860.7Note: The range rate is the first derivative computed from the range. In contrast, the Doppler velocity in I015/626 is actually measured through Doppler.
I015/625/RSRR - Range Rate Resolution
description: Minimum difference in Range Rate at which a sensor system is able to distinguish two targets with otherwise identical parameters in position and angular domain (under ideal measurement).
bit size: 24
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/10 m/s ≈ 0.1 m/s
unit: "m/s"
1677721.5I015/625/SDRR - Range Rate Precision
description: Root-mean-square (rms) error of the Range Rate estimate provided by a sensor system.
description: Standard Deviation of Range Rate
bit size: 24
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/10 m/s ≈ 0.1 m/s
unit: "m/s"
description: Correlation of Range Rate and Range, in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/625/RA - Range Acceleration
description: The range acceleration is derived from different range rates.
bit size: 16
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/26 m/s² ≈ 1.5625e − 2 m/s²
unit: "m/s²"
512.0I015/625/SDRA - Range Acceleration Precision
description: Root-mean-square (rms) error of the Range Acceleration determined by the sensor system.
description: Standard Deviation of Range Acceleration
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/27 m/s² ≈ 7.8125e − 3 m/s²
unit: "m/s²"
description: Correlation of Range Acceleration and Range, in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
description: Correlation of Range Acceleration and Range Rate, in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
Note 1: Depending upon its design the manner in which the positional data is declared by an INCS sensor may be expressed in WGS-84 (I015/ 600) or sensor centric coordinate system based upon the ‘system reference point’ of the sensor (I015/625).
Note 2: The optional ‘precision’ fields (in Data Items I015/600 – I015/625) provide a measure of the accuracy the INCS system has assigned to positional data contained in the target report. Such information can be used to improve the quality with which the INCS target report data is integrated in to the subsequent processing stages of the ATM infrastructure. However a consideration of the sensor characteristics and capabilities, the manner in which INCS data is used operationally, the weighting assigned to INCS data within a multi-sensor tracker and the credibility assigned to the covariance data items should be made to support the decision of whether these optional covariance data items are required or whether the basic data items provide sufficient performance. Whilst not an operational consideration the additional costs that may be associated with the provision and use of such data items should also be weighed against the potential performance benefits that would be achieved through the inclusion of these Data Items in performance specifications.
Note 3: If I015/020 MoMu indicates that the target report is Bi-Static (MoMu =1) then the range information is the difference between the path from the transmitter to target to the receiver less the distance between the transmitter and receiver. In this case, the reference points referred to above are the positions of the transmitter and receiver. If I015/020 MoMu indicates that the target report is Mono-Static (MoMu =0) then the range information is the distance between the sensor and the target. In this case, the reference point referred to above is the position of the mono-static sensor.
Note 4: The meaning of range in Category 015 is significantly broader than the traditional hence the different INCS working principles. This is especially true for bi-static and multi-static radars. For readability the field is still called range and not mono-/bi-/multi-static range or pseudo-range. For radar the measured range is calculated from time differences of signals assumed to be transmitted/received at the sensor reference point(s). As noted above for bi-static radars the reference points are the positions of the transmitter and receiver. Moreover multi-static radars may receive identical signals from other transmitters than the assumed reference transmitter (e.g. passive INCS which are using single frequency networks as illuminators) and therefore may calculate negative values for bi-static range measurement data.
I015/626 - Doppler Information
definition: Doppler measurement of the Target.
I015/626/DV - Doppler Velocity
description: Radial velocity or bistatic velocity of a target object measured by a sensor system via a corresponding Doppler frequency shift.
bit size: 24
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/100 m/s ≈ 1.0e − 2 m/s
unit: "m/s"
83886.07Note: The radial velocity is the magnitude of the 3-dimensional velocity vector (i.e., the time derivative of the 3-dimensional position vector) projected onto the line between target object and sensor. The bistatic velocity is the magnitude of the 3-dimensional velocity vector projected onto the line between transmitter station and target object plus the magnitude of the 3-dimensional velocity vector projected onto the line between target object and sensor.
I015/626/SDDV - Precision of Doppler Velocity
description: Root-mean-square (rms) error of the Doppler Velocity measured by the sensor system.
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/26 m/s ≈ 1.5625e − 2 m/s
unit: "m/s"
1024.0I015/626/DA - Doppler Acceleration
description: Radial acceleration or bistatic acceleration of a target object measured by a sensor system via a corresponding Doppler frequency shift and a subsequent difference operation.
bit size: 16
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/26 m/s² ≈ 1.5625e − 2 m/s²
unit: "m/s²"
512.0Note: The radial acceleration is the magnitude of the 3-dimensional acceleration vector (i.e., the time derivative of the 3-dimensional velocity vector) projected onto the line between target object and sensor. The bistatic acceleration is the magnitude of the 3-dimensional acceleration vector projected onto the line between transmitter station and target object plus the magnitude of the 3-dimensional acceleration vector projected onto the line between target object and sensor.
I015/626/SDDA - Precision of Doppler Acceleration
description: Root-mean-square (rms) error of the Doppler Velocity measured by the sensor system.
description: Standard Deviation of Doppler Acceleration
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 1/26 m/s² ≈ 1.5625e − 2 m/s²
unit: "m/s²"
description: Correlation of Doppler Acceleration and Doppler Velocity, in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/626/CODVR - Correlation of Doppler Velocity and Range
description: Correlation of Doppler Velocity and Range (e.g. bistatic range).
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/626/CODVRR - Correlation of Doppler Velocity and Range Rate
description: Correlation of Doppler Velocity and Range Rate.
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/626/CODVRA - Correlation of Doppler Velocity and Range Acceleration
description: Correlation of Doppler Velocity and Range (e.g. bistatic range).
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/626/CODAR - Correlation of Doppler Acceleration and Range
description: Correlation of Doppler Acceleration and Range (e.g. bistatic range).
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/626/CODARR - Correlation of Doppler Acceleration and Range Rate
description: Correlation of Doppler Acceleration and Range Rate.
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/626/CODARA - Correlation of Doppler Acceleration and Range Acceleration
description: Correlation of Doppler Acceleration and Range Acceleration.
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/627 - Azimuth Information
definition: Azimuth information that is provided relative to the sensor or component reference point.
I015/627/AZ - Azimuth
description: Target angle relative to geographic North in the local reference system centred on the sensor.
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 360/216 ° ≈ 5.4931640625e − 3 °
unit: "°"
360.0Note: The azimuth shall increment in a clockwise manner relative to geographic North.
I015/627/RSAZ - Azimuth Resolution
description: Minimum angle in order to separate targets by the sensor in the azimuth dimension.
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 45/216 ° ≈ 6.866455078125e − 4 °
unit: "°"
45.0I015/627/SDASZ - Standard Deviation of Azimuth
description: Estimated standard deviation of the azimuth angle.
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 45/216 ° ≈ 6.866455078125e − 4 °
unit: "°"
45.0I015/627/AZR - Azimuth Rate
description: Rate of change of the azimuth angle.
bit size: 16
Signed quantity
LSB = 180/216 ° ≈ 2.74658203125e − 3 °
unit: "°"
90.0I015/627/SDAZR - Standard Deviation of Azimuth Rate
description: Estimated standard deviation of the azimuth angle rate.
description: Standard Deviation of Azimuth Rate
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 45/216 ° ≈ 6.866455078125e − 4 °
unit: "°"
description: Correlation of Azimuth Rate and Azimuth, in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/627/AZEX - Azimuth Extent
description: Target size in the azimuth angle dimension. The target extends between start angle and end angle traversed clockwise.
description: Azimuth Extent Start
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 360/216 ° ≈ 5.4931640625e − 3 °
unit: "°"
description: Azimuth Extent End
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 360/216 ° ≈ 5.4931640625e − 3 °
unit: "°"
360.0Note: The Sensor Reference Point is detailed in ASTERIX Category 016 – where there is also provision for including the reference points for the transmitter(s) and receiver(s) that are used within the sensor configuration. The Sensor Reference Point is also contained in ASTERIX Category 025.
I015/628 - Elevation Information
definition: Information related to the elevation angle provided by the sensor. (Predominantly used by electro-optic sensors).
I015/628/EL - Elevation
description: The elevation shall be given with respect to the horizontal plane of the sensor expressed in Two’s Complement.
bit size: 16
Signed quantity
LSB = 180/216 ° ≈ 2.74658203125e − 3 °
unit: "°"
90.0Note: The elevation shall be given with respect to the local WGS-84 tangential plane of the receiver dedicated by I015/400. Note: For targets above the horizontal plane the elevation angle is positive and for targets below negative.
I015/628/RSEL - Elevation Resolution
description: Minimum angle in order to separate targets by the sensor in the elevation dimension.
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 45/216 ° ≈ 6.866455078125e − 4 °
unit: "°"
45.0I015/628/SDEL - Standard Deviation of Elevation
description: Estimated standard deviation of the elevation angle.
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 45/216 ° ≈ 6.866455078125e − 4 °
unit: "°"
45.0I015/628/ER - Elevation Rate
description: Rate of change of the elevation angle.
bit size: 16
Signed quantity
LSB = 180/216 °/s ≈ 2.74658203125e − 3 °/s
unit: "°/s"
90.0I015/628/SDER - Standard Deviation of Elevation Rate
description: Estimated standard deviation of the elevation angle rate.
description: Standard Deviation of Elevation Rate
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 45/216 °/s ≈ 6.866455078125e − 4 °/s
unit: "°/s"
description: Correlation of Elevation Rate and Elevation, in Two’s complement
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1/27 ≈ 7.8125e − 3
unit: ""
I015/628/ELEX - Elevation Extent
description: Target size in the elevation angle dimension. The target extends between start angle and end angle.
description: Elevation Extent Start, in Two’s complement
bit size: 16
Signed quantity
LSB = 180/216 ° ≈ 2.74658203125e − 3 °
unit: "°"
description: Elevation Extent End, in Two’s complement
bit size: 16
Signed quantity
LSB = 180/216 ° ≈ 2.74658203125e − 3 °
unit: "°"
I015/630 - Path Quality
definition: Measure characterising the signal quality associated with a specific target echo signal.
I015/630/DPP - Direct Path - Power
description: Signal power measured for the direct signal received from a specific transmitter station.
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1 dB ≈ 1.0 dB
unit: "dB"
127.0I015/630/DPS - Direct Path - Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)
description: Signal to noise ratio measured for the direct signal received from a specific transmitter station.
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1 dB ≈ 1.0 dB
unit: "dB"
127.0I015/630/RPP - Reflected Path - Power
description: Signal power measured for a specific target echo signal found within range-Doppler matrix (associated with a specific transmitter station).
Spare bits: 7
description: Power of reflected path, in Two’s complement"
bit size: 9
Signed quantity
LSB = 1 dB ≈ 1.0 dB
unit: "dB"
255.0I015/630/RPS - Reflected Path - Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)
description: Signal to noise ratio measured for a specific target echo signal found within range-Doppler matrix (associated with a specific transmitter station).
bit size: 8
Signed quantity
LSB = 1 dB ≈ 1.0 dB
unit: "dB"
127.0Notes: Some INCS sensors may be capable of outputting an indication of the signal quality based upon the received echo signal strength for that target. Before including the provision of such data items in the technical specification, it is advised that the cost and operational benefits of the availability of such data is assessed.
I015/631 - Contour (Azimuth, Elevation Angle, Range Extent)
definition: Azimuth, elevation angles and range extent of all elementary presences constituting a plot.
Regular, 1 byte(s) REP field size.
description: Azimuth Contour
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 360/216 ° ≈ 5.4931640625e − 3 °
unit: "°"
description: Elevation Contour, in Two’s complement
bit size: 16
Signed quantity
LSB = 180/216 ° ≈ 2.74658203125e − 3 °
unit: "°"
description: Range Contour Stop
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 10000/216 m ≈ 0.152587890625 m
unit: "m"
description: Range Contour Start
bit size: 16
Unsigned quantity
LSB = 10000/216 m ≈ 0.152587890625 m
unit: "m"
Note 1: The azimuth shall increment in a clockwise manner relative to geographic North centred at the System Reference Point.
Note 2: The elevation shall be given with respect to the local WGS-84 tangential plane of the receiver dedicated by I015/400.
Note 3: If populated, the range contour requires a start and stop point. The stop point is to be greater or equal than the start point.
I015/SP - Special Purpose Field
definition: Special Purpose Field
Explicit (SpecialPurpose)
- Data Source IdentifierI015/000
- Message TypeI015/015
- Service IdentificationI015/020
- Target Report DescriptorI015/030
- Warning/Error ConditionsI015/145
- Time of ApplicabilityI015/161
- Track/Plot NumberI015/170
- Track/Plot StatusI015/050
- Update PeriodI015/270
- Target Size & OrientationI015/300
- Object ClassificationI015/400
- Measurement IdentifierI015/600
- Horizontal Position InformationI015/601
- Geometric Height InformationI015/602
- Horizontal Velocity InformationI015/603
- Horizontal Acceleration InformationI015/604
- Vertical Velocity InformationI015/605
- Vertical Velocity InformationI015/480
- AssociationsI015/625
- Range InformationI015/626
- Doppler InformationI015/627
- Azimuth InformationI015/628
- Elevation InformationI015/630
- Path QualityI015/631
- Contour (Azimuth, Elevation Angle, Range
- Special Purpose Field