Asterix library for python



This library is a single file python module. To install it, use any of the following methods:

Method 1 - copy library file

Download and copy this file alongside your project sources or to some location where python can find it.

# copy file to project sources
cp ~/Downloads/ path/to/my-asterix-python-project/src
# or
cd path/to/my-asterix-python-project/src

# or check default python path and copy to the appropriate location
python3 -c "import sys; print('\n'.join(sys.path))"

Method 2 - install/update package with pip

The library is also available as a python package. Use pip to install or update:

pip install


Check library installation.

python3 -c "import asterix; print(asterix.manifest); print(asterix.VERSION)"


This tutorial assumes importing complete asterix module into the current namespace. In practice however only the required objects could be imported or the module might be imported to a dedicated namespace.

from asterix import *

Error handling

Some operation (eg. parsing) can fail on unexpected input with AsterixError. The way to handle it is to use try, except, for example:

    raw_datablocks = RawDatablock.parse(input_data)
except AsterixError as e:
    print('Exception: ', e)

For clarity, the error handling part is skipped in the rest of this tutorial.

Immutable objects

All operation on asterix objects are immutable.

For example:

from asterix import *

Spec = CAT_002_1_1
# create empty record
rec0 = Spec.make_record({})

# this operation does nothing (result is not stored)
rec0.set_item('000', 1)
assert rec0.get_item('000') is None

# store result to 'rec1'
rec1 = rec0.set_item('000', 1)
assert rec1.get_item('000') is not None

# use multiple updates in sequence
rec2 = rec0.set_item('000', 1).set_item('010', {'SAC': 1, 'SIC': 2})
assert rec2 == Spec.make_record({'000': 1, '010': {'SAC': 1, 'SIC': 2}})

# mutation can be simulated by replacing old object with the new one
# (using the same variable name)
rec0 = rec0.set_item('000', 1)
assert rec0.get_item('000') is not None


Datagram is a raw binary data as received for example from UDP socket. This is represented with bytes data type in python.

Raw Datablock

Raw datablock is asterix datablock in the form cat|length|data with the correct byte size. A datagram can contain multiple datablocks.

This is represented in python with class RawDatablock.

In some cases it might be sufficient to work with raw datablocks, for example in the case of asterix category filtering. In this case, it is not required to fully parse asterix records.

Example: Category filter, drop datablocks if category == 1

def receive_from_udp():         # UDP rx text function
    return unhexlify(''.join([
        '01000401', # cat1 datablock
        '02000402', # cat2 datablock

def send_to_udp(s):             # UDP tx test function

input_data = receive_from_udp()
raw_datablocks = RawDatablock.parse(input_data) # can fail on wrong input
valid_datablocks = [db.unparse() for db in raw_datablocks if db.category != 1]
output_data = b''.join(valid_datablocks)

Datablock, Record

Datablock (represented as class Datablock) is a higher level, where we have a guarantee that all containing records are semantically correct (asterix is fully parsed or correctly constructed).

Datablock/Record is required to work with asterix items and subitems.

Example: Create 2 records and combine them to a single datablock

Spec = CAT_002_1_1  # use cat002, edition 1.1

rec1 = Spec.make_record({
    '000': 1,
    '010': {'SAC': 1, 'SIC': 2},

rec2 = Spec.make_record({
    '000': 2,
    '010': {'SAC': 1, 'SIC': 2},

db = Spec.make_datablock([rec1, rec2])
s = db.unparse() # ready to send over the network

Example: Parse datagram (from the example above) and extract message type from each record

# s = ... use data from the example above
opt = ParsingOptions.default()
raw_datablocks = RawDatablock.parse(s)      # can fail on wrong input
for raw_datablock in raw_datablocks:
    datablock = Spec.parse(raw_datablock, opt)   # can fail on wrong input
    for record in datablock.records:
        message_type = record.get_item('000') # returns None if the item is not present
        print('{}: {}'.format(message_type.to_uinteger(), message_type.table_value))

Example: Asterix filter, rewrite SAC/SIC code with random values (complete example).

import time
import random
from asterix import *

opt = ParsingOptions.default()

# categories/editions of interest
Specs = {
    48: CAT_048_1_31,
    62: CAT_062_1_19,
    63: CAT_063_1_6,
    # ...

def process_record(sac, sic, rec):
    """Process single record."""
    # One option is to use 'set_item' to insert '010' unconditionally
    # return rec.set_item('010', {'SAC': sac, 'SIC': sic})
    # ... or 'modify_item', where '010' is modified only if already present
    return rec.modify_item('010', lambda _old: {'SAC': sac, 'SIC': sic})

def process_datablock(sac, sic, raw_db):
    """Process single raw datablock."""
    cat = raw_db.category
    Spec = Specs.get(cat)
    if Spec is None:
        return raw_db
    # second level of parsing (records are valid)
    db = Spec.parse(raw_db, opt)
    new_records = [process_record(sac, sic, rec) for rec in db.records]
    return Spec.make_datablock(new_records)

def rewrite_sac_sic(sac : int, sic : int, s : bytes) -> bytes:
    """Process datagram."""
    # first level of parsing (datablocks are valid)
    raw_datablocks = RawDatablock.parse(s)
    result = [process_datablock(sac, sic, db) for db in raw_datablocks]
    output = b''.join([db.unparse() for db in result])
    return output

def rx_bytes_from_the_network():
    """Dummy rx function (generate valid asterix datagram)."""
    Spec = CAT_048_1_31
    rec = Spec.make_record({'010': 0, '040': 0})
    db1 = Spec.make_datablock([rec, rec])
    db2 = Spec.make_datablock([rec, rec])
    return b''.join([db1.unparse(), db2.unparse()])

def tx_bytes_to_the_network(s_output):
    """Dummy tx function."""

# main processing loop
while True:
    s_input = rx_bytes_from_the_network()
    new_sac = random.randint(0,127)
    new_sic = random.randint(128,255)
        s_output = rewrite_sac_sic(new_sac, new_sic, s_input)
    except AsterixError as e:
        print('Asterix exception: ', e)

Reserved expansion fields

Multiple UAP-s

In case of multiple UAP-s use make_record_unsafe method to create records. This method is unsafe in the sense that static type checker can not detect misalignment between UAP name and UAP selector value. Make sure to use appropriate UAP name, together with a correct UAP selector value, for example for CAT001:

from asterix import *

Cat1 = CAT_001_1_4

rec01_plot = Cat1.make_record_unsafe('plot', {
    '010': 0x0102,
    '020': {'TYP': 0, 'SIM': 0, 'SSRPSR': 0, 'ANT': 0, 'SPI': 0, 'RAB': 0},
    '040': 0x01020304,

rec01_track = Cat1.make_record_unsafe('track', {
    '010': 0x0102,
    '020': {'TYP': 1, 'SIM': 0, 'SSRPSR': 0, 'ANT': 0, 'SPI': 0, 'RAB': 0},
    '040': 0x01020304,

rec01_invalid = Cat1.make_record_unsafe('plot', {
    '010': 0x0102,
    '020': {'TYP': 1, 'SIM': 0, 'SSRPSR': 0, 'ANT': 0, 'SPI': 0, 'RAB': 0},
    '040': 0x01020304,


assert Cat1.is_valid(rec01_plot) == True
assert Cat1.is_valid(rec01_track) == True
assert Cat1.is_valid(rec01_invalid) == False

Library manifest

This library defines a manifest structure in the form:

manifest = {
    'CATS': {
        1: {
            '1.2': CAT_001_1_2,
            '1.3': CAT_001_1_3,
            '1.4': CAT_001_1_4,
        2: {
            '1.0': CAT_002_1_0,
            '1.1': CAT_002_1_1,

This structure can be used to extract latest editions for each defined category, for example:

def to_edition(ed):
    """Convert edition string to a tuple, for example "1.2" -> (1,2)"""
    a,b = ed.split('.')
    return (int(a), int(b))

def get_latest_edition(lst):
    return sorted(lst, key=lambda pair: to_edition(pair[0]), reverse=True)[0]

Specs = {}  # will be populated with latest editions

for cat in range(1,256):
    editions = manifest['CATS'].get(cat)
    if editions is None:
    latest = get_latest_edition(editions.items())
    ed, cls = latest
    Specs[cat] = cls

Alternatively, a prefered way is to be explicit about each edition, for example:

Specs = {
    48: CAT_048_1_31,
    62: CAT_062_1_19,
    63: CAT_063_1_6,
    # ...

Generic asterix processing

Generic processing in this context means working with asterix data where the subitem names and types are determined at runtime. That is: the explicit subitem names are never mentioned in the code.

This is in contrast to application specific processing, where we are explicit about subitems, for example [“010”, “SAC”].

Example: Show raw content of all toplevel items of each record

# Specs = ... category/edition selection
# s = ... some input bytes
for raw_datablock in RawDatablock.parse(s):
    Spec = Specs.get(raw_datablock.category)
    if Spec is None:
        print('unsupported category')
    datablock = Spec.parse(raw_datablock, opt)
    cat = raw_datablock.category
    for record in datablock.records:
        cls = record.__class__
        for topitem in cls.subitems_list:
            if topitem is None:
            name, subclass = topitem
            value = record.get_item(name)
            if value is None:
            value = hex(value.to_uinteger())
            print('cat{}, item {}, value {}'.format(cat, name, value))
            # depending on the application, we might want to display
            # deep subitems, which is possible by examining each toplevel item

Example: Generate dummy single record datablock with all fixed items set to zero

# we could even randomly select a category/edition from the 'manifest',
# but for simplicity just use a particular one
Spec = CAT_062_1_19

rec = Spec.make_record({})
for topitem in Spec.variation.subitems_list:
    if topitem is None:
    name, subclass = topitem
    if issubclass(subclass, Element):
        rec = rec.set_item(name, 0)
    elif issubclass(subclass, Group):
        rec = rec.set_item(name, 0)
    elif issubclass(subclass, Extended):
        pass # skip for this test
    elif issubclass(subclass, Repetitive):
        pass # skip for this test
    elif issubclass(subclass, Explicit):
        pass # skip for this test
    elif issubclass(subclass, Compound):
        pass # skip for this test
        raise Exception('unexpected subclass')

s = Spec.make_datablock(rec).unparse()

Using mypy static code checker

Note: mypy version 0.991 or above is required for this library.

mypy is a static type checker for Python. It is recommended to use the tool on asterix application code, to identify some problems which would otherwise result in runtime errors.

For example, the following program ( contains 2 bugs (misspelled item name, SA instead of SAC).

Spec = CAT_008_1_3
rec = Spec.make_record({'010': {'SA': 1, 'SIC': 2}})
$ python
... results in runtime error (line number 3)
... after fixing the first problem and re-running,
... another runtime error is generated on line number 4

$ mypy
... detects both problems, without actually running the program
Found 2 errors in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

Module classes and functions

Parsing options

class ParsingOptions:
    no_check_spare : bool       # do not check spare bits value (zero)

    def default(cls) -> 'ParsingOptions':   # create default options


class AsterixError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, msg : Optional[str]=None):
class AsterixOverflow(AsterixError):

RawDatablock class

class RawDatablock:
    def parse(cls, s : bytes) -> List['RawDatablock']:
        """Parse the first level of asterix to the list of results."""

    def unparse(self) -> bytes:

    def category(self) -> int:

    def length(self) -> int:

    def raw_records(self) -> bytes:

Bits class

class Bits:
    """Bit string, a wrapper around bytes (bytes, offset, size)."""
    def empty(cls) -> 'Bits':

    def from_bytes(cls, val : bytes) -> 'Bits':

    def from_uinteger(cls, raw : int, o : int, n : int) -> 'Bits':

    def __len__(self) -> int:

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[bool]:

    def __eq__(self, other : Any) -> bool:

    def __str__(self) -> str:

    def split_at(self, n : int) -> Tuple['Bits', 'Bits']:

    def take(self, x : int) -> 'Bits':

    def drop(self, x : int) -> 'Bits':

    def __add__(self, other : 'Bits') -> 'Bits':

    def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:

    def to_uinteger(self) -> int:

    def join(cls, lst : List['Bits']) -> 'Bits':

Variation class and subclasses

class Variation:
    """Baseclass for all variations."""
    def __init__(self, val : Bits):

    def unparse_bits(self) -> Bits:

    def __eq__(self, other : object) -> bool:

    def to_uinteger(self) -> int:

class Element(Variation):
    bit_offset8 : int
    bit_size : int
    string_type : StringType
    quantity : Quantity

    def parse_bits(cls, s : Bits, opt : ParsingOptions) -> Any:

    def _from_raw(self, raw : Raw) -> Bits:

    def _from_string(self, s : str) -> Bits:

    def _from_float(self, val : float) -> Bits:

    def _to_string(self) -> str:

    def _to_quantity(self) -> float:

class Group(Variation):
    subitems_list : List[Union[Spare, Tuple[ItemName, Any]]]
    subitems_dict : Dict[ItemName, Tuple[str, Any, int, int]]

    def parse_bits(cls, s : Bits, opt : ParsingOptions) -> Any:

    def __init__(self, val : Bits, items : Dict[ItemName, Any]):

    def _from_items(self, args : Any) -> Tuple[Bits, Dict[ItemName, Element]]:

    def _from_raw(self, raw : Raw) -> Tuple[Bits, Dict[ItemName, Element]]:

    def _get_item(self, name : Any) -> Any:

    def _set_item(self, name : Any, val : Any) -> Any:

    def _modify_item(self, name : Any, f : Any) -> Any:

class Extended(Variation):
    no_trailing_fx : bool # See [ref:extended-no-trailing-fx].
    groups_bit_sizes : List[int]
    subitems_list : List[List[Union[Spare, Tuple[ItemName, Any]]]]
    subitems_dict : Dict[ItemName, Tuple[str, Any, int, int]]

    def parse_bits(cls, s : Bits, opt : ParsingOptions) -> Any:

    def __init__(self, val : Bits, items : Dict[ItemName, Element]):

    def _from_tuple_int(self, val : Any) -> Tuple[Bits, Dict[ItemName, Element]]:

    def _from_dict(self, n : int, arg : Any) -> Tuple[Bits, Dict[ItemName, Element]]:

    def _get_item(self, name : Any) -> Any:

    def _set_item(self, name : Any, val : Any) -> Any:

    def _modify_item(self, name : Any, f : Any) -> Any:

class Repetitive(Variation):
    rep_byte_size : int
    variation_bit_size : int
    variation_type : Any

    def parse_bits(cls, s : Bits, opt : ParsingOptions) -> Any:

    def __init__(self, val : Bits, items : List[Variation]):

    def _from_list(self, lst : List[Any]) -> Tuple[Bits, Any]:

    def __len__(self) -> Any:

    def __iter__(self) -> Any:

    def __getitem__(self, ix : int) -> Any:

    def _append_item(self, arg : Any) -> Any:

    def _prepend_item(self, arg : Any) -> Any:

class Explicit(Variation):
    explicit_type : Optional[str]

    def parse_bits(cls, s : Bits, opt : ParsingOptions) -> Any:

    def __init__(self, val : Bits, raw : bytes):

    def _from_bytes(self, arg : bytes) -> Tuple[Bits, bytes]:

    def raw(self) -> bytes:

class Compound(Variation):
    fspec_fx : bool
    fspec_max_bytes : int
    subitems_list : List[Optional[Tuple[ItemName, Any]]]
    subitems_dict : Dict[ItemName, Tuple[Any, int]]

    def parse_bits(cls, s : Bits, opt : ParsingOptions) -> Any:

    def __init__(self, val : Bits = Bits.empty(), items : Dict[ItemName, Variation] = {}) -> None:

    def __bool__(self) -> bool:

    def _set_item(self, name : ItemName, val : Any) -> Any:

    def _update(self, args : Any) -> Any:

    def _del_item(self, name : ItemName) -> Any:

    def _get_item(self, name : ItemName) -> Any:

    def _modify_item(self, name : Any, f : Any) -> Any:

Datablock class

T = TypeVar('T')
class Datablock(Generic[T]):
    """Correctly constructed/parsed datablock."""
    def __init__(self, cat : int, lst : Union[T, List[T]], val : Optional[bytes] = None):

    def unparse(self) -> bytes:

    def __eq__(self, other : Any) -> bool:

    def records(self) -> List[T]:

AsterixSpec class and subclasses

class AsterixSpec:
    """Asterix base class."""
    cat : int

class Basic(AsterixSpec):
    variation : Any
    uaps : Any
    uap_selector_item : Any
    uap_selector_table : Any

    def _parse(cls, raw_db : RawDatablock, opt : ParsingOptions, uap : Optional[str] = None) -> Any:

    def _is_valid(cls, rec : Any) -> bool:

class Expansion(AsterixSpec):
    variation : Any

Generated subclasses


class Variation_XY(Element):
    variation = 'Element'
    bit_offset8 = ... (int)
    bit_size = ... (int)

    # if content == table
    table = {
        0: 'val0',
        1: 'val1',

    # if content == string
    string_type = StringAscii() | StringICAO() | StringOctal()

    # if content == quantity
    quantity = Quantity(...)


class Variation_XY(Group):
    variation = 'Group'
    bit_size = 16
    subitems_list = [
        ('NAME1', Variation_1),
        ('NAME2', Variation_2),

    # name: (title, cls, group_offset, bit_size)
    subitems_dict = {
        'NAME1': ('Title 1', Variation_1, 0, 8),
        'NAME2': ('Title 2', Variation_2, 0, 8),

    def spec(cls, key : Union[Literal['NAME1'], Literal['NAME2']]) -> Union[Type['Variation_1'], Type['Variation_2']]:
        """Get spec of subitem."""

    def __init__(self, arg : Variation_XY_Arg) -> None:
        if isinstance(arg, tuple):
        if isinstance(arg, dict):
        if isinstance(arg, Raw):

    def get_item(self, name : Union[Literal['NAME1'], Literal['NAME2']]) -> Any:

    def set_item(self, name : Any, val : Any) -> Any:

    def modify_item(self, name : Any, f : Any) -> Any:

Group item manipulation example:

from asterix import *

item_spec = CAT_048_1_31.spec('010')
item1 = item_spec({'SAC': 1, 'SIC': 2})         # create group item
assert item1.get_item('SAC').to_uinteger() == 1 # get_item
item2 = item1.set_item('SAC', 2)                # set item
assert item2.get_item('SAC').to_uinteger() == 2 # check
item3 = item1.modify_item('SAC', lambda x: x.to_uinteger()+1) # modify item
assert item2 == item3                           # check


class Variation_XY(Extended):
    variation = 'Extended'
    no_trailing_fx = False | True
    groups_bit_sizes = [

    subitems_list = [
        [   # primary part
            ('NAME1', Variation_1),
        [   # extension
            ('NAME2', Variation_2),
            ('NAME3', Variation_3),
        [   # extension
            Spare((int), (int)),
            ('NAME4', Variation_4),

    # name: (title, cls, group_offset, bit_size)
    subitems_dict = {
        'NAME1': ('Title 1', Variation_1, 0, 7),
        'NAME2': ('Title 2', Variation_2, 0, 7),
        'NAME3': ('Title 3', Variation_3, 0, 7),

    def spec(cls, key : Union[Literal['NAME1'], Literal['NAME2']]) -> Union[Type['Variation_1'], Type['Variation_2']]:
        """Get spec of subitem."""

    def __init__(self, arg : Variation_13_Arg) -> None:
        if isinstance(arg, int):
        if isinstance(arg, tuple):
        if isinstance(arg, dict):

    def get_item(self, name : Union[Literal['NAME1'], Literal['NAME2'], Literal['NAME3']]) -> Any:

    def set_item(self, name : Any, val : Any) -> Any:

    def modify_item(self, name : Any, f : Any) -> Any:

Extended item manipulation example:

from asterix import *

item_spec = CAT_048_1_31.spec('020')

# create extended item (primary + 1 extension, all zero)
item1 = item_spec((0,0))

# get_item
assert item1.get_item('TYP').to_uinteger() == 0
assert item1.get_item('TST').to_uinteger() == 0
assert item1.get_item('ADSB') is None

# set_item works on primary part
item2 = item1.set_item('TYP', 1)
assert item2.get_item('TYP').to_uinteger() == 1

# set_item does not work on extension
# item3 = item1.set_item('TST', 1)  <- this is not possible

# modify_item works on any subitem
item3 = item1.modify_item('TST', lambda x: 1)   # modify with const(1)
assert item3.get_item('TST').to_uinteger() == 1

# if subitem is not present, modify_item has no effect
item4 = item1.modify_item('ADSB', lambda x: 1)
assert item4.get_item('ADSB') is None


class Variation_XY(Repetitive):
    variation = 'Repetitive'
    rep_byte_size = (int)
    variation_bit_size = (int)
    variation_type = Variation_1

    def spec(cls) -> Type[Variation_1]:
        """Get spec of subitem."""

    def __init__(self, arg : List[Union[Variation_1, Variation_1_Arg]]) -> None:
        if isinstance(arg, tuple):
        if isinstance(arg, list):

    def append_item(self, arg : Union[Variation_1, Variation_1_Arg]) -> 'Variation_XY':

    def prepend_item(self, arg : Union[Variation_1, Variation_1_Arg]) -> 'Variation_XY':

Repetitive item manipulation example:

from asterix import *

item_spec = CAT_048_1_31.spec('250')

# create repetitive item
item1 = item_spec([0,1])
assert len(item1) == 2
assert item1[0].to_uinteger() == 0
assert item1[1].to_uinteger() == 1

item2 = item1.append_item(5)
assert item2 == item_spec([0,1,5])

item3 = item1.prepend_item(6)
assert item3 == item_spec([6,0,1])


class Variation_XY(Explicit):
    variation = 'Explicit'
    explicit_type = "ReservedExpansion"
    def __init__(self, arg : bytes) -> None:
        if isinstance(arg, tuple):
        if isinstance(arg, bytes):

Explicit item manipulation example:

from asterix import *

item_spec = CAT_048_1_31.spec('RE')

val = 0x01020304
bs = val.to_bytes(4, 'big')
i = item_spec(bs)   # create explicit item from bytes
assert i.raw == bs  # check


class Variation_XY(Compound):
    variation = 'Compound'
    fspec_fx = False | True
    fspec_max_bytes = (int)

    subitems_list = [
        ('NAME1', Variation_1),
        ('NAME2', Variation_2),
        ('NAME3', Variation_3),

    # name: (cls, fspec)
    subitems_dict = {
        'NAME1': (Variation_1, 0x8000),
        'NAME2': (Variation_2, 0x2000),
        'NAME3': (Variation_3, 0x0180),

    def spec(cls, key : Union[Literal['NAME1'], Literal['NAME2']]) -> Union[Type['Variation_1'], Type['Variation_2']]:
        """Get spec of subitem."""

    def __init__(self, arg : Optional[Variation_XY_Arg] = None) -> None:

    def set_item(self, name : Any, val : Any) -> Any:

    def del_item(self, name : Any) -> Any:

    def get_item(self, name : Any) -> Any:

    def modify_item(self, name : Any, f : Any) -> Any:

Compound item manipulation example:

from asterix import *

item_spec = CAT_048_1_31.spec('120')
item = item_spec()                              # create empty compound item

assert item.get_item('CAL') is None                             # get_item
item1 = item.set_item('CAL', 0)                                 # set_item
assert item1.get_item('CAL').to_uinteger() == 0
assert item1.del_item('CAL').get_item('CAL') is None            # del_item

def succ(x : Any) -> Any:
    return x.to_uinteger() + 1

# modify_item (called on 2 items)
item2 = item1.modify_item('CAL', succ).modify_item('RDS', succ)

assert item2.get_item('CAL').to_uinteger() == 1     # updated item
assert item2.get_item('RDS') is None                # not present

Basic spec

class CAT_(cat)_(edMajor)_(edMinor)(Basic):
    cat = (int)
    variation = Variation_XY
    spec = variation.spec
    parse_bits = variation.parse_bits
    unparse_bits = variation.unparse_bits

    # if multiple UAPs are present
    uaps = {
        'uap0': Variation_0,
        'uap1': Variation_1,

    uap_selector_item = None | ["ITEM", "SUBITEM"]

    uap_selector_table = None | {
        0: 'uap0',
        1: 'uap1',

    def make_record(cls, val : Variation_XY_Arg) -> Variation_XY:

    def make_datablock(cls, val : Union[Variation_XY, List[Variation_XY]]) -> Datablock[Variation_XY]:

    def parse(cls, val : RawDatablock, opt : ParsingOptions) -> Datablock[Variation_XY]:

Expansion spec

class REF_000_1_0(Expansion):
    cat = (int)
    variation = Variation_XY
    spec = variation.spec
    parse_bits = variation.parse_bits
    unparse_bits = variation.unparse_bits

    def make_extended(cls, val : Variation_XY_Arg) -> Variation_XY:

    def parse(cls, val : bytes, opt : ParsingOptions) -> Variation_XY:

Generated manifest


manifest = {
    'CATS': {
        1: {
            '1.2': CAT_001_1_2,
            '1.3': CAT_001_1_3,
            '1.4': CAT_001_1_4,
        2: {
            '1.0': CAT_002_1_0,
            '1.1': CAT_002_1_1,