Sources of this project are available in github repository.


Contributions (problem reports, fixes) to this projects are welcome.

If you are a github user, the easiest way to contribute is via project’s web page.
Feel free to contact project maintainer Zoran Bošnjak via email.

Contributing new categories

Before submitting new category, please make sure that definitions are:

Project structure


nix package manager is required for development. To install it, use:

curl -L | sh

… then logout and login again for changes to take effect.

Optionally install cachix client and use binary cache, to speed up first build.

nix-env -iA cachix -f
cachix use zoranbosnjak

Clone project to local disk

git clone

NOTE: It might take some time for nix do download all required dependencies for the first time or when switching to a new version of nix packages. Subsequent rebuilds on local changes are reasonably fast.

Asterix category development

cd asterix-specs/specs/

# this project uses unix file format for specs files
# convert file from dos to unix if necessary
perl -pi -e 's/\r\n/\n/g' {file_name}

# validate selected file
aspecs validate --input-ast {file_name}

# prettify spec file
aspecs prettify {file_name} --ast

# build selected file
./ {file_name}

# check the result with some web browser
netsurf output/

# cleanup generated files when done
git clean -xdf output/

# validate all '.ast' files
for i in $(find . -type f | grep "\.ast$")
    aspecs validate --input-ast $i
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo $i; break; fi

Complete project requild procedure

cd asterix-specs/

# check locally generated web site with some web browser
netsurf ./result/index.html